
Amazon’s Failure on Carbon Reduction

courtesy of jacobin.com

Amazon's Emissions Rise Despite Pledge

Four years ago, Jeff Bezos pledged that Amazon would lead the way on carbon reduction. However, the company's emissions have actually risen by 40 percent since then, and its use of creative accounting suggests that the real figure is even higher.

Amazon's Slow Progress on Net-Zero Emissions

Despite celebrating a small decrease in total emissions, Amazon's progress towards its net-zero emissions target is far from satisfactory. At its current rate, it would take the company until 2378 to reach its 2040 goal.

Amazon Fails the Planet

The recent Summit to Make Amazon Pay highlighted Amazon's contribution to climate breakdown and the urgent need for action. A broad labor-climate coalition is working to put an end to Amazon's harmful practices.

Amazon's Failed Climate Leadership

While Jeff Bezos promised that Amazon would lead the way on climate action, the company's emissions have actually increased by almost 40 percent since announcing its net-zero target. Amazon's size and carbon footprint make it the biggest emitter among the "Big Five" tech companies.

Amazon's Understated Carbon Footprint

Amazon's creative accounting methods allow it to understate its carbon footprint. The company only includes a small percentage of its total sales in its carbon methodology, leaving the majority of its emissions unreported.

Amazon's Greenwashing and Broken Promises

Amazon's Climate Pledge risks becoming nothing more than greenwashing as the company fails to live up to its own ambitions. Other corporations, such as PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever, and Iberdrola, have also engaged in greenwashing or backtracked on their net-zero promises after signing the pledge.

Amazon's Environmental Impact Beyond Emissions

In addition to its carbon emissions, Amazon's environmental impact includes the destruction of millions of new and unsold products, its data centers' excessive energy consumption, and its involvement in the oil and gas industry.

The Fight Against Amazon's Power

A coalition of workers, activists, and community groups is fighting back against Amazon's harmful practices. From strikes by Amazon delivery drivers to blockades of Amazon distribution centers, efforts are being made to hold the company accountable.

Building a Livable Future

Elected representatives are joining the fight against Amazon's corporate power and greenwashing. They are determined to challenge the company's damaging practices and work towards a livable future for all.

Lynn Boylan is a senator in the Seanad Éireann and the Sinn Féin spokesperson on climate justice.

Alma Dufour is a member of the French National Assembly for La France Insoumise. Previously, she led the environmental NGO Amis de la Terre's campaign against Amazon's expansion in France.


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